Lifeguard Press - Customer Success Story with Deposco

Success stories

Lifeguard Press achieves full inventory visibility to scale with Deposco

Rise in peak season production
Less shifts for warehouse workers
Increase in overall labor efficiency


Lifeguard Press was seeing dramatic growth, doubling in size within two years. The stationery and gift company was using its ERP for inventory management, which limited inventory visibility and required all fulfillment processes to be paper-based. The manual process created errors that resulted in high chargebacks due to oversold products, inaccurate orders, and incorrect labels. A need for a WMS became apparent due to manual processes causing accuracy errors, resulting in significant chargebacks for customers. With no digital direction for where products were located, onboarding was a lengthy process for new employees, who had to memorize where products were stored. Seasonal employee onboarding was a key pain point, especially during peak season. Lifeguard Press quickly realized that they had an immediate need for an easy-to-use system with full visibility.

Deposco has dramatically simplified the process of onboarding new hires, which used to be very time-consuming.


Lifeguard Press selected Deposco as its new WMS partner due to the flexibility, full visibility, and easy-to-use dashboards in the Deposco system. Cartonization processes, including retailer-compliant labels, were implemented to help manage fulfillment for the many brands that Lifeguard Press distributes. The changes led to significant reductions in chargebacks, saving tens of thousands of dollars a year. New hires can now access order information and inventory location on their smartphones, which transformed the employee onboarding process. During peak season, the reduced onboarding time resulted in a 40% increase in production. Outside of peak season, employee efficiency increased 60% as a result of converting to the Deposco system. The number of shifts required to fulfill orders, even with the increase in output, was reduced from three to two.

Success stories


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"We’ve had an increase in sales but what we’ve really done is consolidate our expenses and really honed in on how to increase the profit margins."
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Wellness Corporate Solutions
"The switch to Deposco revolutionized our warehouse and how we do things. The hidden strength of Deposco is the confidence it has given our team. We know we can deliver and so do our customers."
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"We signed with Deposco six months ago and we’ve been live for three months. You do the math on that!"
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