Feature is a sneaker and clothing boutique out of Las Vegas that offers the latest products from iconic brands and is often sought out by celebrities. The company had been on five different inventory systems for footwear fulfillment management, none of them capable of scaling. Slow (or no connection) inventory syncing, inaccurate counts and financial records, and disparate systems were all gaps the team was looking to close.
Support for their most recent footwear fulfillment system was located in a different country, and timezone differences frequently resulted in delayed responses to crashes and errors. All of these delays and inaccurate data were causing overselling and high chargebacks. The co-founders of Feature soon realized they had to stop thinking small and start thinking big.
When you are in the beginning phase, you don’t know what you don’t know. And once you get into it, you realize that Deposco can do almost anything. Once you realize that, the whole world opens up to what is possible.
After seeking consultation from a trusted partner, UPS, Deposco was recommended as the solution of choice for Feature to scale its footwear fulfillment management process. With a tight timeline of only a month to complete the project, Deposco was successfully and seamlessly implemented the same day as Feature’s old system shut down by way of a remote go-live, due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Deposco enabled specific product syncing without running sync for all SKUs. With over 98,000 SKUs, it was a huge relief that Deposco was able to create a way to sync one specific product.
The biggest benefit the Feature team has seen with Deposco is the ability to set goals outside of fixing problems. They are currently working on allocating inventory through Deposco’s segmentation feature so they can run pre-sales in advance and allocate to stores instead of to the website. One of Feature’s top goals is to become first to market with products by listing and selling products within 24-48 hours.