Amazon FBA WMS Integration With Deposco

Deposco WMS + Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA enables growing businesses to extend their customer reach and ship faster. Deposco WMS integrations help you properly prep and pack your products before they leave your warehouse, reducing penalties, fees, additional labor, and chargebacks. Learn How To Reduce Your Amazon FBA Fees and Risk.

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WMS for Amazon FBA

Deposco leverages the Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API) to integrate with Amazon FBA. Our FBA Socket automates workflows and provides full trackability. So you can catch problems with products before they reach the fulfillment center. These FBA WMS integrations combine world-class ecommerce fulfillment solutions with a fast, seamless connection to your FBA operations. With real-time visibility, improved decision-making, seamless collaboration, and total system reliability.

Featured Benefits

No more searching in multiple inventory management (or legacy) systems. No more manual/paper-based processes, missing pick lists, incorrect labeling instructions, or discrepancies between what the business sent to FBA vs. what they said they received.

Keep your warehouse up to date on the frequent, ever-changing requirements of FBA. Automated warehouse and order management workflows make it easy for your team to reduce FBA fees beyond the 15% you signed up for.

Stop order delays, excessive storage fees, and chargebacks – which, according to experts, can be as high as 50% of what FBA sellers earn! Deposco WMS for Amazon FBA lets you tap into better warehouse space utilization, a broader shipping network, shipping discounts, and more. Which means those profits are yours for the keeping.

Streamline fulfillment tasks like picking, packing, shipping, and labeling with full confidence. System-directed workflows, barcode scanning, and real-time available-to-sell inventory sync reduces human error, overtime, and ‘staffing up just to keep up’ during prep.

Sell more products in different ways to a broader audience, in a more targeted manner. Manage customer inquiries very easily with real-time collaboration. No more long hours on the phone or paper chasing to keep tabs on inventory. Automated FBA workflows alert your staff to potential problems, so your warehouse can just keep pulling inbound shipments that are ready for Receive-Prep-Putaway or Pick-Prep-Pack-Ship.

Earn more and ensure that every customer experience leads to a 5-star review. Speed delivery times and prevent delays due to improper prep. Establish seamless collaboration and decision-making between your warehouse, fulfillment centers, suppliers, and extended supply chain partners. And put a growing number of finished goods in your facility – ready to ship out with no surprise problems.

Seamless order management and DOM brings everything into one source of the truth. One real-time system for all your multichannel fulfillment activities. All your inventory. All your channels, and all your supply chain partners. All in one spot. That means fewer customer service headaches or finger pointing; greater accuracy; more efficient reordering; lower carrying costs; and the ability to extend into new or global channels sooner.

Deposco integrations for Amazon FBA

The unplanned fees of Amazon FBA have increased 30% in the past couple of years. Most of these costs can be traced back to improper shipping and prep of your products in the warehouse. Even if you use your own partner carrier, FBA still imposes strict regulations that are a nightmare to track and support.

Deposco integrations automate decisions around FBA’s rapidly changing requirements, so your teams get it right the first time. From choosing the right box size to proper label positioning, Deposco enables high-volume sales without surprise shipping and labor charges, delays, or fees later.

Simplify inbound shipments, transfers, and routing requests. Get accurate order updates, and see inventory activity across multiple channels instantly to mitigate costly problems.

Popular WMS workflows for Amazon FBA

Item (SKU) Integrations

Pull in Seller SKUs from FBA based on a configurable schedule and user-specified criteria. Supports specialty labeling needs, bundling and kitting.

Sales Orders

Create and manage inbound shipments or multi-line customer orders that require order management and DOM.

Inventory Notice/Activity

Get automatic shipment receipts and notices on inventory with FBA.

Customer Order

Pull in real-time inventory updates from a fulfilled order to avoid overselling, especially across multiple locations or channels.

Inbound Transfer Order

Pull in removal orders and automate inbound shipments to Amazon, streamlining transfer orders for deliveries.

Container (Carton) & Label

Push container (carton) shipments to FBA with correct labeling, and pull data back into Deposco for seamless traceability.

Routing Request, Response, Pallet Labels

Easily manage Requests for Shipment, Transportation Routing Requests, Routing Response, and Pallet Labels in one easy interface.

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