Without warehouse management system WMS integrations for NetSuite, pureplay supply chain applications in NetSuite can no longer keep up with current demand. Much less identify channels for new growth. 

Inventory management in NetSuite ERP has become tremendously painful in the age where volume and complexities have put warehouse management teams in peak season mode every day, all year long. 

Companies that have learned this painful lesson are investing in a WMS solution with integrations for NetSuite that can connect to their ERP and get warehouse management operations into the current decade – while building agility for future changes.

Today let’s look at the challenges of NetSuite inventory management and how a modern WMS for NetSuite lets you easily scale your business without ever leaving the systems you already use – plus add the supply chain applications you’ll need in the future. Without budget surprises or having to switch technology partners, ever.

Need a 101 refresher? Learn what is a warehouse management system

NetSuite is for inventory tracking, not warehouse management

NetSuite’s inventory management modules are informative, but not directional or timely in terms of optimizing decisions in the warehouse. These suites have inventory management capabilities similar to a WMS, but still require a great deal of work – and are reactive, versus proactive in guiding your warehouse staff. 

The cost of this is on the rise. The limitations of NetSuite ERP contribute heavily to poor labor productivity, mistakes, costs, customer churn, and delays in upgrading technologies that can flex with the wild fluctuations of today’s supply chains.

Can’t my ERP handle inventory management?

Yeah, 10 years ago. Growing today requires knowing the difference between managing inventory in NetSuite ERP and when to buy a WMS.

Built as more of an inventory tracking suite for accounting purposes, your NetSuite ERP gives the CFO data points to make high-level accounting and planning decisions. It can report inventory data as it relates to accounting but lacks the efficiency and depth of logic you get with a modern warehouse management system.

As volume and complexities increase, you’ll end up turning away orders because you’re spending more on managing the logistics of inventory fulfillment and putting out customer service fires than growing the business. 

A true WMS for NetSuite solution that can scale

A modern WMS for NetSuite solution, on the other hand, unifies all your inventory operations and builds on your NetSuite ERP solution in a way that you can trust and afford. No matter what technology you need to add, or when.

Deposco’s WMS for NetSuite integrations work beautifully to streamline all your fulfillment operations within the context of the larger picture. Day-to-day inventory management activities happen on a deeper scale, providing efficient workflows, automated insights, and recommendations designed for growth. 

The real benefit of a modern NetSuite WMS is that you’ll never outgrow it. Deposco’s WMS solution was not pieced together from technologies born out of acquisitions and mergers. 

We were smart when we built our WMS on a singular codebase with pre-built WMS integrations… Not just for NetSuite, but for 100+ other supply chain applications you may need now or later. Simply add what you need when you need it. No custom coding, consultants, or internal IT experts required means fast time-to-value.

Deposco WMS for NetSuite ERP – how it works

Deposco WMS + NetSuite ERP integrations bring everything touching your inventory investment into one clear, instant view across the business. Within a modern, easy-to-use interface. 

Unlike an ERP that just reports on inventory, a modern NetSuite WMS integration directs you on how to continually optimize processes that improve customer experience – while mitigating risk from the things you cannot control. 

With real-time dashboards, tailored to your workflows, your staff can work faster and make optimal decisions without spreadsheets, paper-based workflows that can get lost, endless phone calls and emails:

  • Paperless pick-pack-ship 
  • System-directives with native RF devices and barcode scanning 
  • Real-time visibility with +99% order accuracy ̀
  • Multi-facility and multi-channel inventory management 
  • 100+ pre-built integrations; no custom setup or lengthy onboarding 
  • Real-time views into products entering/leaving the warehouse 
  • Staff performance tracking and recommendations, tailored to your KPIs 
  • Real-time product availability without manual checks or system switching
  • Reduced overselling, chargebacks, excess inventory, shipping and labor costs

Deposco’s NetSuite WMS integration keeps your business relevant to the marketplace, no matter how many locations or channels you have – this year or in 5 years. No other warehouse management software offers this degree of scalability – with technology that is easy to update, easy to use, and can be learned by new staff in minutes. 

Support growth the way your business needs to

As your business grows, Deposco for NetSuite makes it super simple to build on your warehouse management system with new products, locations, partners, channels, and order management system capabilities to manage it all profitably. 

Within a single system, everyone can get up-to-the-minute inventory updates, enabling more proactive decisions across warehouse locations, shipping carriers, EDIs, and marketplaces as your business evolves. So you can support business growth the way you need to:

Upgrade your WMS with an order fulfillment solution for NetSuite.

Learn More: Bright Order OMS order fulfillment software

Read more about NetSuite WMS software integrations 

NetSuite ERP vs. Deposco WMS

How do you know when your warehouse operations have outgrown your NetSuite ERP? Here are 4 good reasons to manage inventory fulfillment in a system that does what it was built to do.

Read the Guide: Inventory Fulfillment in NetSuite ERP – When to Buy a WMS

Looking for a third-party logistics (3PL) WMS solution for NetSuite?

Particularly with the explosion of direct-to-consumer (DTC), third-party logistics (3PL) firms are investing in WMS solutions to meet the accelerating demands of their clients. For many, their clients’ problems are their own operational problems, too. Learn how Deposco’s 3PL WMS solution for NetSuite prepares your order fulfillment operations to handle:

  • Explosive volume growth on top of labor challenges
  • Gaps in technical skills to support DTC retail 
  • Rapid changes in consumers’ delivery expectations
  • Risk and disruption in peak season
  • Complexity of products, suppliers, and channels

Learn how to solve labor issues. Onboard new clients in days. Slash costs and create a value-rich 3PL fulfillment infrastructure for your clients.

Read the Guide: How to Grow Your 3PL: Fulfillment Solutions that Win Customers for Life